Friday, August 25, 2006

What exactly is this under Senator Putra’s nose?

Evolutionary biologists make shock find, which they believe to be a previously unknown species of mammal, clinging to the nostrils of the deputy speaker of the Polish Upper House.

Apparently, member of Law and Justice, Senator Krzysztof Jakub Putra, woke up one morning and there it was – a fully formed...well, what?

Natural historian and journalist Bill Beaver of Hairy Things monthly told the beatroot this morning:

We are shocked. This is an unprecedented find for zoologists everywhere. We are just mystified as to its evolutionary genealogy.

Some think it is a direct descendant of the mammoth, which walked the Earth as long ago as BC 40000. Others think that it is a relative of the South American guinea pig.

Though not a lot is known about Senator Putra’s facial appendage UNESCO has promised to make his face a World Heritage Site and the EU has earmarked structural funds for its maintenance and upkeep.


Anonymous said...

ah, what a silly question!;)

Edna Sweetlove said...

UNESCO World Heritage Site-status has been severely devalued in recent years - if Bolivian llama turd gets it, Edna says the spectacular Putra face-fur should too...

Anonymous said...

Last days of ‘cucumber season’,huh?
Mr senator has 8 kids!! Is ther a book on hisotory/origins of shaving? -yawn-

beatroot said...

Maybe there is a book about the history of humour by-pass surgery?


Anonymous said...

It is very refined of the author to pick on someone's appearance. Would the author please delight the readers with a photo of his own surely handsome, flawlessly groomed, and perfectly dressed persona so we could learn how one ought to look this season?

Frank Partisan said...

What if Brad Pitt had one? Still no coolness factor.

michael farris said...

"It is very refined of the author to pick on someone's appearance."

Yes. Especially since moustache styles are fully under the conscious control of the wearer. Mr Putra evidently thinks this style is appropriate or becoming or manly as is his right. Beatroot is quite right in ridiculing his fashion sense.

beatroot said...

Thank you, Mike.

I didn't want to havw to point out the obvious. Ridicule of someone with three heads would indeed be's not their fault they have three heads...they were born that way.

But growing that thing on your face is the same as walking into a room with a bowl of tulips on your head and being surpirsed that people are laughing at you.

Lucia Maria said...

He may be emulating Piłsudski

beatroot said...

The tash did used be a sign of maturity and character. It goes back to the szlachta - the Polish noble class. Much goes back to the szlachta. Pan, Pani etc etc etc etc .. They are a very interesting class and will be featuring in my weekly 'history' post.

Polusb history is just too interesting to be ignored (although I wish its politicians would shut up about it sometimes).

Anonymous said...

Beatroot & Michael Farris,

I agree with the comment by anonymous, "It is very refined of the author to pick on someone's appearance. Would the author please delight the readers with a photo of his own surely handsome, flawlessly groomed, and perfectly dressed persona so we could learn how one ought to look this season?

Beatroot, you went way overboard on this one. Targeting any individual for their physical appearance is just as bad as making anti-racial, ethnic, or religious slurs. On your blog, you often attack offenders for unfairly ridiculing others, and rightly defending the victims. However, you then come out with a lewd posting about someone's moustache, and display his photo as well.

You know, your photo is on the net for the public to view on Radio Polonia, and your facial scruff isn't exactly so appealing to many, and not that different from this guy's moustache? Your criticism, even satire if that's what you wish to call it, is hypocritical to say the least. It is suprising you have resorted to such a low level. If you are going to poke fun at moustaches, then you might as well be ridiculing the beards of orthodox priests and rabbis, and the other various religious hair styles.

Michael, is Geremek's beard any better, dipping way below his chin? He also has control over his style but then again, you and Beatroot enjoy taking shots at polticians that don't adhere to your political preferences. It doesn't surprise many people.

Who are both of you to judge anyone's physical appearance, hair / facial style, or dress? Do you look any better? It is not the first time you attempted to degrade somone. The same was done to Kaczynski's wife on your blog.

beatroot said...

a lewd posting about someone's moustache

Grow up.

beatroot said...

OK....I am ridiculing myself when I take the piss out of someone's ridiculous facial hair.


Anonymous said...


The issue isn't particularly "moustaches" or facial hairs at all. It has more to do with passing judgement on an individual's appearance in general. There is something called 'etiquette', which you apparently lack. "Lewd" = "evil", and yes, it is just that to poke fun at anyone's appearance because you despise a certain hairstyle, weight, height, or speech, etc. To post someone's photo in public, especially without their permission, and then further degrade and ridicule, is far worse than gay bashing and anti-semitism, topics which you have touched upon more than once.

You are being a hypocrite once again when you state, "...I am ridiculing myself when I take the piss out of someone's ridiculous facial hair." Do you not have ridiculous scruffy facial hair of your own?

Even if you happened to be a supermodel, which you certainly aren't, it is still rude to write about someone's appearance, even if it is meant to be satirical.

Do this for us, your readers: post your photo on the blog, and let us decide what you look like instead of showing us an animated buraki. It has nothing to do with moustaches or facial hairs. You should be capable of swallowing what you dish out.

beatroot said...

it is just that to poke fun at anyone's appearance because you despise a certain hairstyle, weight, height, or speech, etc. To post someone's photo in public, especially without their permission, and then further degrade and ridicule, is far worse than gay bashing and anti-Semitism, topics which you have touched upon more than once.

I find those remarks deeply contemptible.

To equate someone taking the piss out of a moustache or hairstyle with homophobia or anti-Semitism is the ramblings of an idiot.

Why do you think that there are laws against racism, homophobia, sexism etc?

Because…those are fixed identities….you cannot consciously change your sexuality, race, gender, disability.

You can change your hairstyle, moustache. We are also free to grow stupid ones.

So that is why we have anti-racism laws and we do not have anti-moustache-ist laws.

To compare anti-Semitism with taking the piss out of a …flamboyant moustache is cretinous and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I think I have already wasted enough words on what is a very very moronic comment by you, Yulia.

Putra has a funny moustache. End of subject.

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