Sunday, August 27, 2006

The last Englishman in London

I found this comment buried away in an old post from July after it dropped into the archive. It’s worth quoting at length, if only for its gory stupidity.

Here is the whole thing from someone using the alias Last Englishman in London (you can imagine, I am sure, what’s coming). My comments will be interspersed between the paragraphs.

Two things strike me reading this blog.

1/ Lots of Pro-Polish sentiment..fair enough considering the target audience.
2/ A few apologetic English people with the backbone of a jellyfish.

Strange, many Poles think I am being too hard on them (which I am not, only certain politicians and ways of thinking) so I seem to annoy everyone. Sounds like I might be doing something right.

I want to explain why the English people are becoming tired of immigration - all immigration. The Poles may well be decent, hard working people but...

Re: I’m not racist. but...

House prices in the UK have soared [here we go] , it's almost impossible to get on to the housing ladder for young people. There are simply not enough houses for the people already here and 100s of 1000s more people arriving only makes the matter worse.

How would you feel if you were told that there was no room in your local hospital, dentist surgery, doctors surgery or room for your children in the local school? You've been paying your taxes for years surely your entitled? But the schools and hospitals are trying to cope with HUGE influxes of foreign nationals who have not spent years paying into the system.

It's almost impossible to get anywhere quickly in the South East of England, our roads are over congested, our airports and trains too. How does it help us to accomodate so many more people?

The house price rises and property boom have been going on for at least ten years now – well before the arrival of the central European ‘hordes’. Successive governments have failed to make sure enough house building has been going on to keep up with demand, Green campaigners try to maintain ‘greenfield sites’ around the cities, slowing down expansion. The train and transport system has been a disgrace for ages too.

But back to the clichés…

At the end of the day the UK is the home of the British people [does he think that is an original thing to say?]. We've every right to feel angry when a massive influx of foreigners starts to damage our way of life. People outside of the UK have no RIGHT to be here, they are here through the good graces of the British people.

[Froths at the mouth...and prepares for the coup de grace. Deep breath...]

As well as 100s of 1000s of Eastern Europeans there are 100s of 1000s of Africans and Asians [Ooo, not Africans and Asians!]. Until Poland experiences such an influx of foreigners and such a rapid change to it's social fabric I feel that Polish people are not qualified to speak with authority on the issue.

The Last Englishman in London is deranged. What about when the Prussians, Russians, Austro-Hungarians ripped the place into three for over a century? And what about when the Soviets and Nazis pilled in here, destroying everything? Rapid change to its social fabric? Nah...Poland never experienced that.

But then, to rub in the stupidity...

There was the German invasion of 1939 but you did at least get a chance to defend yourself.

Unbelievable. Favorably comparing the Nazi invasion and the Holocaust to the influx of a few hundred thousand Poles and others to the UK is truly the most cretenous thing I have seen for a long while.

I hope the Daily Mail, the Sun and the editors of the rest of his media intake who have been whipping this immigration thing up to its current froth and throth are proud of themselves.


Gustav said...

It's almost impossible to get anywhere quickly in the South East of England, our roads are over congested, our airports and trains too. How does it help us to accomodate so many more people?

Who do you think's gonna build the new roads?


And as far as the housing market goes ... yeah, there's a lot of real estate speculation going on over in the UK by Poles. I'll make you a deal, Poles will stop migrating to the UK when they can afford to buy a house HERE on their salaries.

Lucia Maria said...

This is really one of those times where the frothing falls on the safe (Polish) targets, rather than the ones that have everyone freaked out (Muslim).

If we're going to mention the war, how quickly they forget about the Battle of Britain (1940) and what could have been had it not been for highly experienced Polish pilots.

Anonymous said...

A good article on the topic:

beatroot said...

Thanks yasquier. Indeed. Migration has benifits. The angle in Poland is that maybe too many migrants are benifiting the UK economy at the expense of the POlish economy.

I think there will be short term - medium term - problems for Poland but in the long run its a good thing for both countries.

It all depends on how many come back.

But on principle - migration rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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keep britain british

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