The radio station that everyone loves to hate (apart from a million anomic Poles, and the Polish government) is 15 years old this month.
“I'm standing here with the feeling that I'm taking part in something important. I'm taking part in the 15th anniversary of an institution ... that has played a great role in Poland's history," said Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski last week.
The Polish government is in the middle of a ‘moral revolution’, which ‘would not be possible without the Radio Maryja family’, Kaczynski gushed.
But what have others said in the past about Radio Maryja and father of the family, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk?
The papal nuncio in Poland, Archbishop Jozef Kowalczyuk, wrote to the Polish episcopate requesting their aid "to overcome difficulties caused by some transmissions and the views presented by Radio Maryja".
The Vatican has issued a serious warning to 'stay out of politics'.
The Polish Council for Media Ethics referred to the station's "primitive anti-Semitism".
A report in 2000 by Tel Aviv University began: “The popular Catholic nationalist radio station Radio Maryja is still the most influential source of anti-Semitic propaganda in Poland.”
Last surviving member of the Warsaw Ghetto, Marek Edelman, accused Maryja of broadcasting openly anti-Semitic comments.
The recently retired Archbishop Jozef Glemp charged Radio Maryja with promoting a specific type of religiousness, a selective approach to Church teachings and regarding itself as the only true church.
So what kind of ‘moral revolution’ will Radio Maryja be helping the Polish government in, exactly?
Happy 15th birthday Maryja! Sto lat, sto lat...
As a special birthday treat watch a 1 min 30 second video of how the peace loving, moral revolutionaries from Radio Maryja’s listenership react when they find out that the camera filming them is from the much hated TVN 24 round the clock cable news station. See video here
Monday, December 11, 2006
Happy birthday Radio Maryja
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Labels: radio maryja, religion
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I. HATE. Radio Maryja. I hate it with an almost perfect hatred. But then again, I am not the biggest fan of religion (this is being quite sarcastic) in any way, shape or form. Although I loved the video that you put on there. I love seeing people make fools of themselves. Your blog really gives me motivation to pack up myself and my wife and move to the U.K. Keep it up though, I always look forward to reading it. By the way, are you in Warsaw? I live in the Wlochy area...
I am in Warsaw, in the Belwederska area...
What I think is sad about Maryja is that the government feels that this is the only place to go to get 'balanced' media coverage. Of course Maryja is about as balanced as a drunk with severe inner ear trouble.
So it seems even the goal of an objective media has gone here. If 'they' are biased then 'we' will be equally as biased.
Sad. Like the video...
You would think after all the criticism they would have the media savvy to self-censor themselves and put an end to the anti-Semitism charges. It’s certainly a throw back to the 1930’s and a PR disaster for Poland in the international press. Live discussions with their primitive audience certainly provide endless ammunition for their critics.
This all shows how weak Rome’s control is over the Polish church, and the existence of factions within the Polish church. Nothing happens because the leadership is weak and the pro-Radio Maryja faction is large. The new Pope must act with restraint, as being German doesn’t help his cause, when dealing with Polish nationalists.
The late Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski ran a tight ship and shaped the Polish church into an effective instrument for preserving the Polish nation. In darker times most Poles saw the church as the last bastion of Polishness. The prevailing attitude prior 1989 was that to be truly Polish you also had to be Catholic.
The religious and nationalist fervour that was unleashed to deal with the communists is being refocused to deal with the onslaught of Western Europe’s secularism and liberal social attitudes. I don’t think most Poles care about it that much.
An improving standard of living coupled with its listeners being part of diminishing demographic will stop Radio Maryja.
The demographic is a good thing to remember - that's why it is so important to get some fast development into the eastern half, in particular.
But Kaczunski's open - brazen, some would say - endordment of RM shows that this government does not give one toss about what the liberal(ish) media think, or how foreigners see them.
Radio maryja is NOT "anti-semitic".
Dudwig Dorn ,Richard Cohen ,Bronislaw Wildstein ,and many other jews are "loved" by radio maryja and many of them were guests of radio maryja...
If radio maryja critisizes the left winged jew michnik or Geremek ,then it does not critisise them because the are jews but because they are "hard core" left and anti catholic....
I believe the american and european media owes an apology to the Polish people for printing an articles in which the authors refers to them as anti-Semitic.
Such a books and articles contributes even more to the ever-present anti-Polonism in the american and european media.
Did any of those so-called American historians ever investigate any attacks on the non-Jewish population?
Poles were the victims of such cruel acts on an almost daily basis. This fact is kept from American and European readers. Instead, the massacre, which was known in Poland, the files were not hidden but open for everyone to investigate, had to be "discovered" by a fame-seeking author.
The fact that Mr. Gross left Poland in 1968 tells me that a touch of revenge may be the motive for his search. The investigation will only be in Poland's favor.
In the past, Kosinski's alleged autobiographical books were proven to be hoaxes.
There are files of documents that Mr. Gross somehow ignored in his research, rather concentrating on the testimony of one witness. To understand the base of that attack, we must know the history of Poland and in my opinion, based on the observation of an average American person, we know nothing.
It is too difficult to understand without being provided with wider information, truthful publications by OTHER than American and Jewish historians.
Unfortunately, when a country is attacked, in Poland's case, by two great powers, chaos occurs.
The double standards are evident by calling an event, such as the one in Jedwabne, an act of anti-Semitism, while in the US, burning a synagogue in Worcester, Mass was called "an act of vandalism", a shooting in the Jewish Children Center in California -"an act of a mad man". If such acts took place in Poland, they would have been called anti-Semitic. American patriotism applied to Poles transfers into nationalism.
For 1000 years, Poland was the spiritual and religious center of Jewish Diaspora and produced one of the greatest world centers of Talmudic studies. 300 papers in Hebrew were published in Warsaw alone. Jews, unlike Blacks in America, were not forced to settle in Poland, prospered, attended colleges and universities, owned factories, etc.
So in 1264, King Boleslav of Poland granted a charter inviting the Jews there. The charter was an amazing document, granting Jews unprecedented rights and privileges. For example, it stated that:
"The testimony of the Christian alone may not be admitted in a matter which concerns the money or property of a Jew. In every such incidence there must be the testimony of both a Christian and a Jew. If a Christian injures a Jew in any which way, the accused shall pay a fine to the royal treasury."
"If a Christian desecrates or defiles a Jewish cemetery in any which way, it is our wish that he be punished severely as demanded by law."
"If a Christian should attack a Jew, the Christian shall be punished as required by the laws of this land. We absolutely forbid anyone to accuse the Jews in our domain of using the blood of human beings."
"We affirm that if any Jew cry out in the night as a result of violence done to him, and if his Christian neighbors fail to respond to his cries and do not bring the necessary help, they shall be fined."
"We also affirm that Jews are free to buy and sell all manner of things just as Christians, and if anyone hampers them, he shall pay a fine."
Polish King Kazimierz was favorably disposed toward Jews. On October 9, 1334, he confirmed the privileges granted to Jewish Poles in 1264 by Boleslaus V. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of enforced Christian baptism. He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries.
Although Jews had lived in Poland since before the reign of King Kazimierz, he allowed them to settle in Poland in great numbers and protected them as people of the king.
Another Polish king, Sigismund II Augustus, issued another invitation. Here is an excerpt from his edict, granting the Jews permission to open a yeshiva at Lublin, dated August 23, 1567:
"As a result of the efforts of our advisors and in keeping with the request of the Jews of Lublin we do hereby grant permission to erect a yeshiva and to outfit said yeshiva with all that is required to advance learning. All the learned men and rabbis of Lublin shall come together for among their number they shall choose one to serve as the head of the yeshiva. Let their choice be a man who will magnify Torah and bring it glory."
In Poland, the Jews were allowed to have their own governing body called the Va'ad Arba Artzot, which was composed of various rabbis who oversaw the affairs of the Jews in eastern Europe. The Poles did not interfere with Jewish life and scholarship flourished.
Some important personalities of this period, which a student of Jewish history should remember, were:
Rabbi Moshe Isserles (1525-1572), from Krakow, also known as the Rema. After the Sephardi rabbi Joseph Karo wrote the Shulchan Aruch, the code of Jewish Law, Rabbi Isserles annotated it to fill in the rabbinic decisions from Eastern Europe. His commentary was, and continues to be, critically important in daily Jewish life.
Rabbi Ya'akov Pollack (1455-1530), from Krakow. He opened the first yeshivah in Poland and was later named the chief rabbi of Poland. He developed a method of learning Talmud called pilpul, meaning "fine distinctions." This was a type of dialectical reasoning that became very popular, whereby contradictory facts or ideas were systematically weighed with a view to the resolution of their real or apparent contradictions.
Rabbi Yehudah Loewe, (1526-1609), not from Poland but important to Eastern European Jewry. He was known as the Maharal of Prague and was one of the great mystical scholars of his time. He has been credited with having created the golem, a Frankenstein figure, a living being without soul.
Along with the growth in Torah scholarship came population growth. In 1500 there were about 50,000 Jews living in Poland. By 1650 there were 500,000 Jews. This means that by the mid 17th century about majority of the Jewish population of the world was living in Poland!
Where did these Jews settle within Poland?
Jews were generally urban people as they were historically not allowed to own land in most of the places they lived. However, they also created their own farm communities called shtetls. Although we tend to think of the shtetl today as a poor farming village (like in Fiddler on the Roof), during the Golden Age of Polish Jewry, many of these communities were actually quite prosperous. And there were thousands of them.
The Jews in these independent communities spoke their own language called Yiddish. Original Yiddish was written in Hebrew letters and was a mixture of Hebrew, Slavic, and German. (Note that Yiddish underwent constant development and "modern" Yiddish is not like the "old" Yiddish which first appeared in the 13th century, nor "middle" Yiddish of this period of time.)
Overall, the Jews did well, but working alongside Polish and Ukrainian Christians
How many African Americans till the 20th century were able to do so?
Jews came to Poland on their own will, to the country of great opportunity, found shelter from the hostilities of Western Europe, stayed and prospered, had representatives in the Polish parliament, and had the freedom of expressing their religion and customs. In some towns of Eastern Poland, Jews accounted for more than 50% of the occupants. They were respected citizens, how could this be possible if the country was, as it is widely presented on the Jan Tomasz Gross book as anti-Semitic?
Polish Jews enjoyed equal rights and full protection of the law under the Polish government. The laws changed under the rule of Prussia, Russia, and Austria.
Keep in mind that it also affected Poles as well. Their situation improved after WWI when the Polish government was reestablished.
Why, between wars, was the Jewish population growing 6 times faster than Christian population, if the alleged anti-Semitism took place?
The only prejudice that you can accuse Polish people of is to be anti-Communist.
Marek Edelman, the last leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, who still lives in Poland, said: "It is not a Jew who is the enemy, it is an enemy who is Jewish." I'm sorry to destroy the beautiful image of the peaceful and innocent Jewish people but at the time of the massacre it was well known that there were "informers," "observers," "advisors," or in plain English "Soviet collaborators" among Jews then and through the war and post.
Those did not see the wrong they were doing, the comfort came from accepting a different way of thinking. They considered themselves Poles or Polish Jews before the war, now comfortably became only Jews, so there were no ties of loyalty to Poland or to the Polish people. Collaborators gave out Poles and Jews as well (Jakub Berman as an example).
But this would be too difficult to understand for us who for decades were fed on anti-Polish propaganda. The same propaganda that Nazis used and later Soviets and now is being repeated with a nauseating consistency by the American press.
The public does not know that Poland and Israel have a very good relationship.
It is the backwardness of American Jews to prefer the stereotype. I was hoping that with the raising of the Iron Curtain, the flow of information about Poland would be available to the average American reader and TV viewer.
That did not happen, rather we prefer to publish such articles. Also by hiding from public Polish accomplishments, only adds to the image of the Poles as some primitive tribe.
The fact that Poland's economy is the one of fastest growing in Europe is a thorn in the eye for some. The anti-Polish sentiment spreads to minimize their success. We already forgot who first faced the Soviet power and fought Communism.
Some are even lining up to collect money.
The difference between Holocaust victims in the US and Poland is that in Poland, Jews and Christians believe that there is no price on human despair, I guess American Jews found the price tag and the Holocaust became a good business.
Poles never asked to recompense their losses and they did not receive any help from the Marshal Plan either.
We must not forget that Poland was not only a victim during WWII but only recently freed herself from under Soviet occupation. We should remember that Communism in Poland was FORCED upon its people, that Soviets placed Jews on high positions, which triggered atrocities. There is no perfect nation, there are honorable citizens and there is scum in all of them. But it seems that we only find the bad in Poles and all the good in Jews. For a well-balanced story, the authors should mention what Soviet Jews did to Poles (Koniuchy massacre) and the fact that, from 34 countries, the Poles are those who have the most trees at Yad Vashem.
Poland lost almost 20% of its population; 6 million Poles were killed.
It was the only country in all of Nazi-occupied Europe with the death penalty for sheltering Jews. Germans knew how sympathetic Poles were to Polish Jews and that way, they could get rid of them both. Entire families, sometimes whole towns were murdered for sheltering Jews. 75% spoke only Yiddish, which later became a problem for those who wanted to be saved and pass as Poles. I guess American Jews don't rush to reveal some other information to the American public like: what were the Judenrat and the Jewish Police doing in the ghettos? Who took over the houses of Polish officers and their families when they were taken to Siberia?
In the American consciousness the Holocaust has become synonymous with Jewish history. Historical literature of the Holocaust has focused on the six million Jewish victims to the exclusion of the sixteen to twenty million Gentile victims.
Do we inform that Poland's government was the only one in Nazi-occupied Europe to sponsor the organization to help Jews escaping the ghettos?
What did American Jews do to help their dying brothers?
We allow speculation on almost every aspect of Polish-Jewish relationship never asking: "why don't we speculate how many Jews would save Poles if the roles were reversed?"
For me to have a different opinion is to risk being called an anti-Semite. An intelligent but objective Jewish person is called a "self-hating Jew". A "bystander" is someone who chose not to give his and his family's life for a stranger, Jewish person.
Good things are happening in Poland .We don't rush to tell about the annual Jewish Festival in Krakow or about the opening of yet another Jewish school in Warsaw. Or even about the commemorating of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We don't rush to tell about the "Fiddler on the Roof" in Yiddish at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. Instead we publish misleading stories about a music concert in Auschwitz (!?) and killings in Jedwabne. Why is that? American historians should stop wasting their ink only writing about alleged Polish anti-Semitism. Any atrocities toward Jews either occurred during Nazi or Soviet occupation or were triggered by revenge and greed not to be mistaken with anti-Semitism. Also to suggest that all Polish Jews are long gone is wrong, many prospered and became famous: actors (Holoubek, Zapasiewicz, Himilsbach, Rudzki), movie critics (Waldorf), writers (Tuwim), philosophers and editors (Michnik), politicians (Mazowiecki, Suchocka), musicians (Szpilman, Zimmerman), heart surgeons (Marek Edelman), athletes (Kirszenstein a.k.a. Szewinska), singers (Szmeterling a.k.a. Jantar). Some Polish Jews just recently became interested in their religion; Jewish schools are reopening, while the synagogues, museums, and Jewish cultural institutes were always present in Poland's cultural life. Positive Jewish characters are in every Polish classic, there are streets named after Jewish heroes; monuments accommodate their heroism and their tragedy. All this does not seem like an anti-Semitic country does it? But it stays in the American media, as long as we allow it to.
Alex Lech Bajan
Polish American
RAQport Inc.
2004 North Monroe Street
Arlington Virginia 22207
Washington DC Area
TEL: 703-528-0114
TEL2: 703-652-0993
FAX: 703-940-8300
Poland is still poor country and Poland will not pay any compensations to radical Israelis mostly living in US and had nothing to do with victims of the Holocaust in Poland during the second world war by German Army.
Most of them coming now to Poland did live in comfort in the US during the war and did not help the Jews in Poland or Poland in negotiations with Roosevelt and Churchill to put pressure during the war.
It took polish man Mr. Karski to come to US and give all the proof of the Holocaust to US President and the US Congress and unsuccessful attempt in Great Britain.
How you dare to get more money from Poland after you got over $100 billions from Germany and $10 Billions from Switzerland.
What about the Jewish collaborators with the communist Stalin in eastern part of Poland after the 1939 Russia aggression - eastern Poland.
Read the book of Jewish Prof. of History Norman Finkelstein accuses US Jewish institutions - in particular, the Jewish Claims Conference (JCC) - of extorting moneys in the name of "needy Holocaust survivors." The Holocaust Industry .
You could have the good press in Poland when after John Paul II died and his house where he was born in wadowice will be given for free for a Pope Museum. But not - Jewish owner from Chicago who the house was given back after 1990 ask millions of dollars and the house was purchase from him by polish businessman and given by him back to the museum of John Paul II Pope in Wadowice. Why was not the Jewish American Congress to come with this idea.
You had option to stay and rebuild Poland after second world like the pianist did but you select to leave to make easy in the west. Most Poles were not able to leave and they had to deal with communist for the next 55 years until the poles had defited the communist and the cold war. It was not Reagan or Margaret Thatcher.
It was the Pope and the Polish People. If you want any restitutions go to Great Britain, United States and Russia.
Why Poland did not got the restitution from Germany or Great Britain, United States and Russia. Why you did not include Poland in restitutions when you were getting you billions
Lech Bajan
Polish American
Washington DC
Letter from polish american Lech Bajan Washington DC
Israeli Ambassador to Poland David Peleg
Ambasada Izraela
ul. Ludwika Krzywickiego 24
02-078 Warszawa
Wed. 15th march Beaten and attacked by Israeli bus travel security guards polish italien in Krakow/Cracow Poland
2007 11:00 AM
As a polish-american I demand apology from the Israeli Embassy in Poland and for beating and attack with such brutality on Mr. Roberto L polish-italien living in Cracow by the isreali travel group security.
Mr. Roberto L. simply has asked gently autocar driver to stop the engine running when the 5 travel buses were parked in front of his house.
Poland is not the Palestine where you doing whatever you want to do.
As a visitors to our country Poland you have to respect all residents, polish law and not create the unhealthy atmosphere.
Why your israeli travel group security holds diplomatic passports so they cannot be questions by local police for their acts in Poland?
You do not need so much security for your travel groups to Poland. By doing this you just create in the minds of your people from Israel feeling like they can be in some danger traveling to Poland.
You have to reevaluate you security training for your travel groups security.
Information in Polish:
Zaatakowany przez izraelskich ochroniarzy
Szymon Jadczak2007-03-09, ostatnia aktualizacja 2007-03-10 13:44
Tak wygląda Roberto L. po spotkaniu z pracownikami ministerstwa bezpieczeństwa Izraela. Pobito go na krakowskim Kazimierzu, gdy poprosił o wyłączenie silnika w autobusie izraelskiej wycieczki.
Zwichnięte barki, otarcia i siniaki na nadgarstkach, plecach oraz brzuchu. Tak wygląda Roberto L. po spotkaniu z pracownikami ministerstwa bezpieczeństwa Izraela. Pobito go na krakowskim Kazimierzu, gdy poprosił o wyłączenie silnika w autobusie izraelskiej wycieczki.
Roberto L.Ostatnie dwa dni Roberto L., Włoch mieszkający od kilku lat w Polsce, spędził na obserwacji w szpitalu. Lekarz wypisał mu zwolnienie na kolejne dziesięć. Mężczyzna narzeka na ból nadwerężonych ramion. - Najbardziej boli tu - mówi, wskazując na głowę. - Jak to jest, że można tak sponiewierać człowieka w wolnym kraju?
Kłopoty Roberto zaczęły się w środę przed południem. Jak co dzień pod okna jego mieszkania na ulicy Dajwór podjechały autokary wypełnione turystami. Teoretycznie jest tam miejsce dla trzech autokarów, które mogą parkować przez góra 10 minut. - Ale kierowcy notorycznie łamią ten przepis. W środę parkowało pięć autobusów, które ponad 20 minut stały z włączonymi silnikami - wspomina Anna, żona Roberto. Hałas i wibracje powodowane przez autokary zamieniają życie okolicznych mieszkańców w koszmar. Nie pomagają prośby o interwencje do straży miejskiej i policji.
W środę przed godz. 11 Roberto podszedł do kierowcy pierwszego z autokarów, którym na Kazimierz przyjechały izraelskie wycieczki, i poprosił go o wyłączenie silnika.
Z twarzą w odchodach.
Oto jego wersja tego, co stało się w czasie następnych kilkunastu minut: - Zostałem zlekceważony. Powiedziałem, że my tu próbujemy normalnie żyć i on ma natychmiast wyłączyć silnik. Zdenerwowałem się, ale cały czas stałem poza pojazdem. Wtedy z głębi autobusu podszedł do mnie ochroniarz. Odepchnął mnie. Za chwilę w moim kierunku ruszyło czterech innych bodyguardów z pozostałych autokarów. Przestraszyłem się, więc dla obrony podniosłem z ziemi duży kamień - był ciężki, musiałem go trzymać dwoma rękami. Ale podziałało - ochroniarze uspokoili się. Jednak gdy odłożyłem głaz, zaatakowali mnie. Po chwili skuli mnie plastikowymi kajdankami i wygięli ręce na wysokość głowy. Rzucili skutego na ziemię, wylądowałem twarzą w psich odchodach. Gdy chciałem się podnieść, kopali mnie po całym ciele. Nagle wszyscy rozbiegli się po autokarach i odjechali. A ja zostałem skuty na ziemi - opowiada Roberto L. i na dowód pokazuje otarcia na nadgarstkach.
Alex Lech Bajan
Polish American
RAQport Inc.
2004 North Monroe Street
Arlington Virginia 22207
Washington DC Area
TEL: 703-528-0114
TEL2: 703-652-0993
FAX: 703-940-8300
Najprzewielebniejszy Ojcze Generale,
Z oburzeniem przyjęliśmy opublikowanie w mediach skierowanego do władz kościelnych listu grupy osób, nazywających siebie "katolikami" i "świeckimi intelektualistami" w sprawie Radia Maryja i Ojca Dyrektora Tadeusza Rydzyka. Wielu spośród sygnatariuszy tego listu to liberałowie faktycznie obojętni wobec Kościoła. Niektórzy z nich nawet bardzo mocno zaszkodzili Kościołowi w najtrudniejszych czasach doby komunizmu. Wielu spośród sygnatariuszy tego listu dało się już poznać w przeszłości jako zajadli wrogowie Radia Maryja, które przełamało ich monopol medialny.
Z ogromnym oburzeniem reagujemy na tę nową zajadłą kampanię nienawiści przeciwko Radiu Maryja i jego tak zasłużonemu dla Kościoła katolickiego i Polski Ojcu Dyrektorowi Tadeuszowi Rydzykowi. Protestujemy przeciwko kolejnym próbom zniszczenia Radia Maryja, które jest najważniejszą enklawą wolności słowa w polskich mediach. Uważamy za prawdziwie nikczemny obecny atak na Radio Maryja, które bardziej konsekwentnie niż jakiekolwiek inne media występuje w obronie Kościoła, wartości chrześcijańskich i polskiego patriotyzmu. Radio to szczególnie wiele robi dla wspierania bliźnich w potrzebie, dla pomocy ludziom ciężko chorym, ułomnym, przygarbionym przez trudy życia. Jest to zarazem Radio bardzo wiele czyniące dla ewangelizacji Polaków ze wszystkich środowisk zgodnie z nauczaniem Kościoła Apostolskiego. Równocześnie zaś jest to Radio, które przez cały czas zdeformowanych transformacji gospodarczych i polityczno-społecznych po 1989 r. zdecydowanie występowało w obronie wszystkich "skrzywdzonych i poniżonych" przeciw oszukującym ich "łże-elitom". To Radio jest też głównym pomostem między Polakami w Kraju, z Polonią, traktowaną po macoszemu przez tyle poprzednich rządów.
Z oburzeniem reagujemy na ataki na Ojca Dyrektora Tadeusza Rydzyka oparte na manipulacjach technicznych i deformacjach tekstów Jego wykładów na WSKSiM. Szokuje ta jątrząca nagonka na wykładowcę, który przedstawia swoją ocenę sytuacji podczas zajęć dydaktycznych. Te ataki godzą w wolność nauczania i są z gruntu sprzeczne z zapewnieniami ustawy o szkolnictwie wyższym.
W ataku na Ojca Dyrektora Tadeusza Rydzyka widzimy usilne działania w celu podzielenia i skłócenia polskiego obozu chrześcijańsko-patriotycznego, w celu zapobieżenia integracji środowisk skupionych wokół tego Radia z politycznymi i społecznymi siłami wspierającymi obecne rządy w ich trudnych działaniach naprawczych. W ich jakże godnym uznania dążeniu do likwidacji gnębiących Polskę patologii i do zbudowania sprawiedliwej IV Rzeczypospolitej. Zdajemy sobie dobrze sprawę z tego, że ci, którzy atakują Radio Maryja, robią to w imię obrony przestępczego "Układu" z III Rzeczypospolitej. "Układu", który ma wszelkie powody, by obawiać się sukcesu ogólnonarodowych działań rozliczeniowych. Wierzymy, że wszystkie siły prawdziwie chrześcijańsko-patriotyczne zgodnie skupią się w obronie Radia Maryja, jego Dyrektora Ojca Tadeusza Rydzyka i tak mocno dziś zagrożonej wolności słowa w Polsce. Będziemy robić wszystko dla zapewnienia zwycięstwa działaniom w obronie Kościoła i polskości oraz wysiłkom dla budowy IV Rzeczypospolitej. Niech walka o ich realizację - wbrew wszelkim medialnym burzom i nagonkom - przebiega w myśl słynnego wezwania: "Alleluja i do przodu!".
Najprzewielebniejszy Ojcze Generale,
Przeważająca część ludności Polski to wierzący katolicy, głęboko podporządkowani Stolicy Apostolskiej i szanujący Radio Maryja z jego Ojcem Dyrektorem Tadeuszem Rydzykiem na czele.
Lista sygnatariuszy:
prof. dr hab. Edmund Kozal
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Marciniak
prof. dr hab. Henryk Szydłowski
dr Olgierd Baehr
prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Zagórski
prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Stępczak
prof. dr hab. Grażyna Karolewicz
Jan Szylicki, prawnik
prof. dr hab. Jan Ziółek
dr Jan Szafraniec, senator RP
inż. Zbigniew Sulatycki, kpt. żeglugi wielkiej
inż. Zbigniew Wysocki, przew. Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Morskiego-Gospodarczego im. E. Kwiatkowskiego
mgr Paweł Brzezicki, prezes Agencji Rozwoju Przemysłu
dr Feliks Pieczka
prof. dr hab. Janina Moniuszko-Jakoniuk
dr inż. Antoni Zięba
mgr Józef Ramlau, b. wojewoda bydgoski
dr Urszula Krupa, europoseł
dr Witold Tomczak, europoseł
dr Mieczysław Ryba, KUL, członek Kolegium IPN
dr Krzysztof Kawęcki
prof. dr hab. Anna Raźny
prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Tobolski
prof. dr hab. inż. Sylwester Kobielak
prof. dr hab. Piotr Jaroszyński
prof. dr hab. Olgierd Nowosielski
prof. dr hab. Rafał Broda
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Robert Nowak
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Więckowski
dr inż. Teresa Walewska-Przyjałkowska
prof. Jadwiga Strzykowska-Załęska
dr Stefan Kawiak
dr hab. Mariusz Zemło
prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kozłowski
mgr inż. Jan Hyży
Bożena Koroczycka, artysta plastyk
prof. dr hab. inż. Dominik Sankowski
Józef Gawłowicz, kpt. ż.w., prezes szczecińskiego oddziału ZLP
prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Ruch-Dorochowski
Halina Łabonarska, aktorka
Bogusław Marciniak, prezes Komitetu Obrony Polskiej Żeglugi Morskiej PP Szczecin
Irena Snarska, prof. ASP
Jadwiga Bobrowska, artysta plastyk
mgr inż. Hanna Szklarzewska
Irena Mrugalska, pedagog
prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Bojarski
dr med. Zbigniew Szlenk, prezes Towarzystwa Katyńskiego
Zbigniew Sekulski, socjolog i muzyk
prof. dr hab. Adam Biela, senator RP
prof. dr hab. Ryszard Bender, senator RP
o. prof. dr hab. Zachariasz S. Jabłoński, Jasna Góra
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Borkacki
prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Żmigrodzki
ks. prof. Czesław Bartnik
prof. dr hab. Stefan Kurowski
Lech Stefan, przew. Klubu Społeczno-Politycznego "Spotkanie i Dialog" we Wrocławiu
ks. Stanisław Pawlaczek, przewodniczący Stowarzyszenia "Pro Cultura Catholica"
prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz
red. Helena Pasierbska, prezes Stowarzyszenia "Rodzina Ponarska"
dr Piotr Stanka, prezes Diecezjalnego Stowarzyszenia Rodzin Katolickich w Pelplinie
prof. dr hab. Henryk Kiereś
prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Małoszewski
prof. dr hab. Aleksander Dobicki
prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Wysocki
prof. dr hab. Wacław Leszczyński
ks. prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Zieliński, KUL
Mirosława Machaj, artysta plastyk
Maria Trzcińska, sędzia
dr Stanisław Krajski
red. Lech Jęczmyk, publicysta i tłumacz literatury pięknej
red. Wojciech Reszczyński, dziennikarz
dr Janusz Radłowski
dr Wiesława Troszczyńska-Nakonieczna, WSKSiM
Nina Mirecka, artysta rzeźbiarz
Dariusz Mirecki, artysta plastyk
Grzegorz Strzelczyk, tancerz
Barbara Krzyżagórska, artysta plastyk
inż. bud. Józef Krzyżagórski
prof. dr hab. Józef Krasinkiewicz
dr Zenon Rudzki
lek. med. Irena Rudzka
Krzysztof Wojciechowski, reżyser
Gertruda Szumska, poseł IV kadencji
prof. dr hab. Bogusław Grabowski
prof. dr hab. Bolesław Fleszar
dr hab. inż. Ludwik Laudański
ks. Prałat Zdzisław Peszkowski, kapelan Rodzin Katyńskich i Pomordowanych na Wschodzie
prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Rychlewski
prof. dr hab. Krystyna Skarżyńska-Bocheńska Władysław Terlecki, muzykolog
ks. prof. dr hab. Franciszek Drączkowski, KUL
prof. dr hab. Krystyna Czuba
red. Czesław Ryszka, senator RP
prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kawecki
Nasz Dziennik, 2007-07-19
O. Joseph William Tobin, CSsR
Przełożony Generalny Zakonu Redemptorystów, Rzym
Najprzewielebniejszy Ojcze Generale
Ośmielamy zwrócić się do Ojca Generała poruszeni nasilającymi się ostatnio atakami na Radio Maryja i jego Dyrektora, o. Tadeusza Rydzyka. Znamienne jest to, że ataków tych dokonują media i ośrodki jawnie lub ukrycie wrogo nastawione do Kościoła katolickiego i Jego misji. Nie jest to, niestety, nic nowego w rzeczywistości Polski po 1989 roku. O ile jednak na początku atakowano Radio Maryja z pozycji jawnie ateistycznych bądź skrajnie laickich, o tyle teraz próbuje się przekonać opinię publiczną i hierarchów, że dokonuje się tego dla dobra Kościoła. Dlatego obecne ataki są, w naszym przekonaniu, bardziej perfidne i groźne.
W Polsce i na świecie toczy się zażarta walka między siłami Dobra i Zła - zwłaszcza w naszym kraju, Ojczyźnie Jan Pawła II, gdzie wiara katolicka jest wciąż żywa. Z tego względu zarówno Kościół, jak i Jego nauka są obiektem zaciekłej nagonki.
Radio Maryja, kierowane od samego początku przez o. Tadeusza Rydzyka, kapłana o charyzmatycznej osobowości, jest w tej chwili potężnym bastionem obrony podstawowych wartości i fundamentów wiary. Radio zachęca także katolików świeckich do aktywności społecznej i politycznej, co jest zgodne z nauczaniem Kościoła powszechnego, w tym także z nauczaniem wielkiego Papieża - Jana Pawła II. Siły mu wrogie chciałyby, żeby miliony katolików w Polsce były pozbawione duchowego wsparcia, bo wówczas można by było nimi łatwiej manipulować. Demokracja w Polsce byłaby niepełna, gdyby zabrakło Radia Maryja będącego katolickim głosem w domu jego słuchaczy oraz drogowskazem w życiu publicznym. Wbrew opinii niechętnej Radiu Maryja i o. Tadeuszowi Rydzykowi - nie mamy do czynienia ani ze zgorszeniem, ani z nadużywaniem słowa mówionego. Wręcz przeciwnie - Radio jest potężnym narzędziem w szerzeniu Dobra i dlatego są siły, które chcą jego zniszczenia. Radio Maryja jest znienawidzone, bo nie próbuje przemilczać ofensywy sił wrogich Kościołowi i Jego nauce, lecz jasno i zdecydowanie się jej sprzeciwia. Siły wrogie misji Radia Maryja ze szczególną zaciekłością atakują Ojca Tadeusza Rydzyka w przekonaniu, że wyeliminowanie z Radia jego twórcy, animatora, moderatora i opiekuna całego pięknego dzieła, kapłana oddanego bez reszty Bogu i Ojczyźnie - pozbawi Radio dotychczasowej siły oddziaływania.
Anna Sobecka - poseł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Gabriela Masłowska - poseł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Bogusław Kowalski - poseł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Krzysztof Szyga - poseł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Józef Cepil - poseł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Tadeusz Dębicki - poseł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Waldemar Kraska - senator Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Jan Engelgard - redaktor naczelny tygodnika "Myśl Polska"
Agnieszka Górska - radna sejmiku mazowieckiego
Jędrzej Dmowski - redaktor naczelny miesięcznika "Nasz Warszawiak"
Alex Lech Bajan
RAQport Inc
"Righteous Among the Nations" More than 6,000 Poles have received the award.
Poland's president on Wednesday plans to honor dozens of people who saved Jews during the Holocaust, including a posthumous distinction to the German officer who helped musician Wladyslaw Szpilman of The Pianist survive.
President Lech Kaczynski, who has long been an advocate of close relations with the Jewish community, was to lead a ceremony at the National Opera House in downtown Warsaw to honor individuals who risked their lives to save Jews during World War II. Many have already received the "Righteous Among the Nations" award from Israel.
"Honoring the 'Righteous' with (Polish) state distinctions pays homage to the unparalleled heroism of normal people, while setting an example for current and future generations," a statement on the president's Web site said.
The president's office said that Wilm Hosenfeld, a German officer who helped save Szpilman, the Polish-Jewish musician whose story was chronicled in Roman Polanski's Oscar winning film, The Pianist, will receive a posthumous award.
The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial created the "Righteous Among the Nations" distinction as a way to honor people who saved Jews from the Holocaust. More than 6,000 Poles have received the award.
WARSAW, Poland
Letter from Lech Bajan Polish American to Senator George Voinovich USA.
RE: U.S. Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) wrote to the Polish ambassador about anti-Semitism in Poland.
Senator Voinovich,
Please stay away from any of the kinds of statement which may cause damage to your Polish American votes. Why?
I believe the American and European media owe an apology to the Polish people for printing articles in which the authors refer to them as being anti-Semitic. Such publications and articles contribute even more to the ever-present anti-Polonism in the American and European media.
List o. dyrektora Tadeusza Rydzyka do premiera Donalda Tuska
Radio Maryja, 2007-12-11
P. T.
Pan Premier Donald Tusk
Panie Premierze,
Od paru lat Radio Maryja ze słuchaczami i kierownictwem było celem niewybrednych ataków: pomówień, słów obrazy, oszczerstw, gróźb rzucanych przez Pana i Pana ugrupowanie. Był też - wydawałoby się - pojednawczy list Pana Komitetu Wyborczego przed wyborami - do naszego Radia i jego dyrektora. Po wyborach mówił Pan do Polaków o pojednaniu, miłości, przebaczeniu. Można by pomyśleć, iż są nadzieje na normalność.
Jednak zaraz po tej Pana wypowiedzi, nastąpiło wiele faktów i tak m. in.:
Pani minister Julia Pitera w mediach bez podstaw w rzeczywistości mówi: przyjrzymy się finansom Radia Maryja. Jest to sugerowanie, iż takie nadużycia mają miejsce i odbiera to dobre imię Radiu Maryja.
Pani minister Barbara Kudrycka, mówi, że zbadamy, czy uczelnia Tadeusza Rydzyka (nawet nie ks. Tadeusza Rydzyka) nie ma nadużyć prawnych. Jest to kolejna sugestia, iż takie nadużycia mają miejsce. Insynuacja ta odbiera dobre imię naszej Uczelni.
Na dzień przed uroczystością rocznicową Radia Maryja Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej odwołuje Artystyczny Zespół Reprezentacyjny Wojska Polskiego. Wcześniej było ustalone, iż weźmie on udział w tej uroczystości. Dodać trzeba, że występował on u nas nawet wówczas, gdy rządzili komuniści.
Przed kilkoma dniami Pani Danuta Hübner kwestionowała z racji ideologicznych program zatwierdzony przez rząd polski dotyczący dotacji UE na rozwój naszej uczelni WSKSiM w Toruniu.
Z kolei dziś dowiadujemy się z prasy, iż Platforma Obywatelska chce przez Ministerstwo Środowiska wstrzymania u nas badań geotermalnych, szukając sposobów na podważenie wcześniej podpisanej umowy.
Wygląda na to, iż niechęć, którą wyrażał Pan i Pana ugrupowanie od paru lat wobec Radia Maryja, nie skończyła się, ale przeobraziła w działanie prowadzące do jego zniszczenia. Działania te są przeciwko milionom słuchaczy - Polaków w kraju i na całym świecie. Są to działania przeciw Polsce, która potrzebuje budowania Jej we wzajemnym dialogu i jedności.
O. Tadeusz Rydzyk CSsR,
Współpracownicy i Słuchacze
The question of Radio Maryja in Poland is raised mostly by leftist groups, the post-communists,"। "These people are usually against the church and not Radio Maryja itself.
Radio Maryja with community for over 4 millions poeple in Poland and all over the world.
15 years ago you began your work in humble conditions. Today Radio Maryja and your other enterprises have assumed large dimensions and are very important to the Church in Poland. The Radio is a sign of opposition. The media you have created proclaim the message, which is today important to the lives of millions.
But there are also opponents. Where do they come from?
- I think that they do not agree with what they hear. At the same time, they feel some threat to the present day monopoly to form public opinion according to their directions. We have played a different tune, different from the orchestras in which all people speak the same. Media were restricted to promote certain system of values in order to control people and to rule more easily. That was the case under the communist regime and the same can be applied to the liberal one. Media form people's opinions and thinking the way their opponents want and this is done for money. In turn, those who have money can have media and power. This is some closed triangle. But out of a sudden, a radio station has appeared and it courageously opposes the opinions, and hence it is a treat to them.
There are almost 40 million people in Poland and perhaps some 20 million Polish immigrants all over the world. We face a great task: to strengthen all people in faith and love for their Homeland.
Radio Maryja is the biggest Catholic station in Poland. About 12 % of Poles listen to Radio Maryja (CBOS opinion poll in 2003), which means four million listeners. More people listen to it from time to time. One must notice that the polls do not embrace listeners abroad; via the satellite Radio Maryja reaches almost every corner of the world where Polish immigrants live. Radio Maryja is also one of the most opinion-forming stations in the country; it is quoted by other media.
Amerykanizm jako religia
Nasz Dziennik, 2008-01-09
Nieoczekiwanie dla zwolenników osi USA - Izrael kaznodzieja w stylu sprzed epoki neokonserwatyzmu-syjonizmu Mike Huckabee wygrał prawybory na prezydenta USA w stanie Iowa wśród kandydatów republikańskich. Jako tradycyjny chrześcijanin anglosaski, wychowany na Starym Testamencie, wierzy on, że Ameryka jest dzieckiem Boga, wyjątkowym krajem, dumnym i przestrzegającym wartości chrześcijańskich. Huckabee potępia manipulacje neokonserwatystów-syjonistów, jak również związki homoseksualistów i zabijanie dzieci poczętych.
Huckabee wierzy, że prawdziwy Amerykanin jest szczerym i szczodrym człowiekiem, posłusznym prawom i gotowym bronić sprawiedliwości na świecie. Nic dziwnego, że kandydat republikanów jest znienawidzony przez takich kaznodziejów, jak John Hagee, ale też trudno sobie wyobrazić, żeby Huckabee odniósł podobne zwycięstwa w prawyborach w innych stanach, jakie miał w stanie Iowa. W innych stanach system wyborczy jest zupełnie inny i bardziej otwarty na kontrolę neokonserwatystów-syjonistów.
Przeciwieństwem Mike'a Huckabee jest John Hagee, kaznodzieja bardzo lukratywnego purytanizmu pomieszanego z syjonizmem. Jego kariera, podobnie jak George'a W. Busha, rozpoczęła się w ramach programu neokonserwatywnego, który cieszy się poparciem głównie fundamentalistów protestanckich, przekonanych, że zwycięstwo Żydów nad Arabami jest konieczne dla powrotu Chrystusa na ziemię. Ideologię neokonserwatyzmu stworzyli żydowscy trockiści, nawróceni na radykalny syjonizm w Nowym Jorku, w czasie schyłku komunizmu.
Fenomen "amerykanizmu" jako religii purytańskiej o podłożu syjonistycznym jest jakoby "czwartą wielką religią zachodniej cywilizacji" - twierdzi żydowski pisarz Dawid Gelernter. Autor uważa, że USA angażują swoje żywotne siły w pacyfikacji Iraku i w Afganistanie, co wskazuje na jego nieracjonalne stanowisko, powszechne wśród Żydów w USA, zawsze gotowych popierać politykę Izraela.
Gelernter, mający doktorat filologii z klasycznego języka hebrajskiego, naraził się choremu umysłowo Theodorowi Kaczynskiemu, doktorowi nauk matematycznych z University of Michigan, który jako student przeżył bardzo uciążliwy eksperyment polegający na poddaniu człowieka ciężkim stresom. W efekcie Kaczynski jest człowiekiem niezrównoważonym psychicznie.
Kaczynski wsławił się rozwiązywaniem niezwykle trudnych problemów z teorii funkcji geometrycznych. Profesorowie matematyki uważali go za geniusza, jednego z 10 najwybitniejszych w USA w tej dziedzinie. Mimo tych opinii, w 1969 roku profesor Kaczynski zrezygnował z wykładania matematyki i wybudował sobie pustelnię w Lincoln w stanie Montana. Rozpoczął terrorystyczną akcję protestu, wysyłając pocztą bomby do ludzi, których uważał za szkodników ludzkości.
W 1993 roku wybuchową przesyłkę od Kaczynskiego otrzymał Dawid Gelernter. Został ciężko ranny - za karę za "tworzenie techniki manipulacji psychologią ludzi". Po wybuchu w sumie 16 bomb wysłanych przez Kaczynskiego, w wyniku czego zginęły 3 osoby, a 23 zostały ranne, rodzony brat wydał go policji, pod warunkiem, że będzie on leczony i nie zostanie skazany na karę śmierci. Po długim przewodzie sądowym Kaczynski otrzymał dożywocie w więzieniu zamiast w szpitalu psychiatrycznym.
Natomiast Dawid Hillel Gelernter, patriota "amerykanizmu" w wersji purytańsko-syjonistycznej, opublikował nową książkę pod tytułem prosto z ciemnogrodu: "Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion" ("Amerykanizm: Czwarta wielka zachodnia religia"). Gelernter wzmacnia oś USA - Izrael za pomocą pochwał dla "amerykanizmu" jako ideologii, wiary i religii na wiek XXI. Stało się to po sukcesach ideologii, wiary i bezbożnej religii w formie socjalizmu i komunizmu w XX wieku.
Gelernter eksploatuje wiarę w misję dziejową USA - "jako wyjątkowego daru Bożego dla świata", oraz tłumaczy, że Ameryka została stworzona przez purytanów, wychowanych w wielowiekowej tradycji czytania Starego Testamentu w Anglii. Na nowo odkrytym kontynencie czuli się Izraelitami, którzy tworzą nową Jerozolimę w imię ideałów wolności, równości i demokracji.
W wersji neokonserwatystów-syjonistów ideologia purytanizmu syjonistycznego pozwoliła rządowi George'a Busha napaść na Irak bez jakiegokolwiek zagrożenia USA lub prowokacji przez Irak, pod hasłem "iracka wolność". Agresja spowodowała śmierć tysięcy Irakijczyków, exodus uchodźców oraz ruinę całego państwa.
Gelernter wywodzi dzisiejsze sukcesy lobby Izraela w Waszyngtonie z syjonizmu purytanów w XVIII wieku, którzy wylądowali w Nowej Anglii i stworzyli wojowniczą wiarę w szerzenie ich wersji wolności na świecie. Strategię tę mieli kontynuować prezydenci Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt i Robert Woodrow Wilson, który - według Gelerntera - jakoby stworzył świecką wersję amerykańskiego syjonizmu w obecnej formie.
Wszystko to nosi piętno propagandy tworzonej przez zwolenników fenomenu "amerykanizmu" jako religii purytańskiej, o podłożu syjonistycznym. Faktycznie jest to religia bez Boga, podobnie jak komunizm, stworzona w celu globalnego imperium sterowanego przez radykalnych Żydów, którzy natrafiają na opór pacyfistów i ugodowców w Europie. Jest to nowa teoria religijnego znaczenia Ameryki i wytłumaczenie, dlaczego USA są jednocześnie popularne i znienawidzone na własnym terenie oraz za granicą.
prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Sarasota, USA
WARSAW -- Poland's new government is threatening to put the brakes on the Pentagon's drive to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, insisting that the project cannot go forward unless the country receives a big increase in U.S. military aid and other commitments.
Responding to surveys showing a large majority of Poles opposed to the defense plan, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said this month that his country is now in "no hurry" to sign a pact that would anchor a critical part of the U.S. missile shield on Polish soil. Poland's previous government had stood firmly behind the project but was ousted by voters in October.
Poland's reluctance is the latest headache for the Pentagon in its effort to construct a global defense shield, which it says is needed to protect against a missile attack from Iran or other "rogue states."
Russia has blasted the proposal, arguing that it could threaten that country in the long run by giving the U.S. military a beachhead in Eastern Europe. Public misgivings also remain strong in the Czech Republic, where the United States wants to base a key radar installation, although officials in Prague have shown a greater willingness to come to terms.
This week, Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich met with top officials at the Pentagon and the State Department to inform them that Poland expects a commitment from Washington to help rebuild its air defense systems and provide other military assistance before it will agree to join the shield project. The Pentagon wants to place 10 missile interceptors in Poland that could shoot down a missile launched by Iran before it reaches Europe or the United States.
In an interview with reporters and editors at The Washington Post on Wednesday, Klich said that he had had "promising talks" with U.S. officials but that overall the negotiations remained "tough."
He said that Poland would be exposing itself to risks if it agreed to host part of the shield -- Russia has threatened to aim missiles at Poland in retaliation -- and that it wants more American help in exchange. In particular, Poland wants Patriot missiles to bolster its aging air defenses as well as help modernizing its 140,000-member military.
"We would be glad to see another American proposal on how to balance these benefits and costs," Klich said. "The Polish government at this time hasn't seen the right, correct balance."
Poland's objections have prompted a flurry of diplomatic activity on both sides of the Atlantic. On Wednesday, Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried met in Warsaw with Poland's foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, and offered some soothing words. The two men also announced that Sikorski will visit Washington on Feb. 1 for further talks. Tusk, the prime minister, is expected to follow shortly afterward.
"We take Poland's considerations very much into account," Fried said. "Poland has made a sound case that the risk will increase, and we have to address this."
In a brief interview after his meeting with Fried, Sikorski reiterated Poland's stance that it was not in a rush to reach an agreement. "I'm glad there seems to be a greater sensitivity to our security needs," he said. "But it's a long-term project."
Poland also appears less willing to accept the Pentagon's primary rationale for the shield: that it will protect Europe, as well as the United States, from a potential Iranian attack.
After meeting with Czech officials in Prague on Wednesday, Air Force Lt. Gen. Henry A. Obering III, who oversees the shield program for the Pentagon, said Iran was rapidly developing long-range missiles that could reach Europe. "Currently, there's no protection in Europe against the intermediate-range or long-range weapons," he said.
But Polish officials said they don't consider Iran a risk to attack them. They also questioned the urgency of the project even from the Pentagon's perspective, citing a recent U.S. intelligence report's conclusion that Iran gave up its nuclear arms program in 2003. "We all agree that the threat from Iran is not imminent," Sikorski said.
Polish officials and analysts said part of the problem is that they feel taken for granted by the Bush administration. Warsaw is one of the United States' strongest European allies and has contributed thousands of troops to the U.S.-led military coalitions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Poland's new government decided last month to withdraw its remaining 900 soldiers in Iraq by this October. But it has pledged to send 400 more troops to Afghanistan, boosting its forces there to 1,600.
Many Polish firms had assumed they would be on an inside track for reconstruction contracts in Iraq, but that largely failed to happen. And lawmakers had hoped the United States would reciprocate in other ways, such as letting Poles visit the United States without visas -- a privilege given to citizens of Western European countries.
"People expected here that there would be some gains and that we'd receive something tangible in exchange," said Slawomir Debski, director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. He said Polish leaders will not be able to win parliamentary approval for the missile shield unless Washington sweetens the deal.
"That is the difference with our new government," Debski said. "They are ready to say no if there is no fair deal."
Another factor hindering talks is the U.S. presidential election. Some Poles said they are reluctant for the country to commit to the missile shield if there is a chance that the next administration in Washington will mothball the whole project. Officials here said they are seeking a separate treaty that would formalize greater military cooperation between the two countries, regardless of who occupies the White House next year.
But the biggest sticking point appears to be Poland's demand for U.S. aid to overhaul its own air defenses. Poland relies on Soviet-era hardware that officials say will become obsolete in several years, a major worry in a country that sees a resurgent Russia as its primary threat.
"Several years from now, we'll be left with no air defense," said Janusz Zemke, chairman of the national defense committee in the Polish Parliament. "This is not an invented problem. Without American assistance, we won't be able to deal with it."
Zemke said Pentagon officials have for years resisted Polish requests for help. "They say openly, 'If we start helping you, then we'll have to start helping the Hungarians and the Czechs and others,' " he said.
Geoff Morrell, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters that the Bush administration was hopeful that it could smooth things over with Poland. He also said Poland was already "the biggest beneficiary within Europe of defense aid" from the administration.
But his comment irritated lawmakers in Warsaw, who said the Pentagon was including expenses it covers for Polish troops to fight in Iraq. Officials said Poland currently receives about $28 million a year in U.S. military aid for projects at home.
Staff writers Ann Scott Tyson and Josh White in Washington contributed to this report.
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