Sunday, December 16, 2007

Simon Mol charged with infecting 12 Polish women with HIV

Almost a year after he was first detained by police in Warsaw, the Cameroonian ‘refugee’, poet and human rights activist is finally charged by the prosecution service, and faces a long jail sentence.

Mol’s case, as it was revealed in a blaze of outrage in the Polish media in January this year, is a tabloid journo’s dream.

An African who had won refugee status and had become a well-known media figure, campaigning on human rights and race issues in Poland, was accused by numerous women in Warsaw of infecting them with HIV, while all along knowing that he was carrying the virus.

But the case is not just about whether he knew, or not, that he was HIV positive (although that is what the court, when he finally comes before a judge, will be deciding). When asked by the women to use protection before sex, he had refused, claiming that they were only asking him to wear a condom because he was ‘an African’.

When the Rzeczpospolita daily went to Cameroon and Nigeria to examine whether Mol’s claims of political persecution in those countries was true, they found that his family, friends and work colleagues knew nothing about it. It seems that Mol was an economic migrant, not a political refugee. Mol's side of the story is here.

So, in one case we have a deadly combination of sex, race and politics. If you had to write a prototype tabloid shock, horror story, then this was it.

Of course, if the prosecution can prove that Mol knew he had HIV and had deliberately infected women as some kind of political ‘revenge’ – and this has been suggested in the press coverage here – then this is a very, very nasty crime, indeed, and nobody would be too upset if they slung him in jail and threw away the key.

Simon Mol and the ‘Warsaw Salon’

Many of the women who slept with Mol seem to come from artistic, liberal circles, known here as the ‘Salon’. Mol was a poet and writer (though not a particularly good one) who was a member of many cultural societies and political organizations in Poland. He was allied to the small Green Party, but also a member of an ex-pats’ writer’s club based in Warsaw.

After I was asked to join the same writer’s club, this summer, I was talking to one of the organizers about the Mol case. The guy told a familiar tale, of feeling ‘betrayed’ by Simon. Everyone was taken in by him, and not just the 12 women infected with HIV, and the many others who were lucky enough to get away with the encounter.

I also took part in a UK documentary about the culture of Polish soccer fans, which was filmed in Warsaw and Krakow late last year. One of the other contributors was Simon Mol, who was involved in the ‘Kick Racism out of Football’ campaign. I got a slightly worried email in March, this year, from the British producers of the film, asking whether Mol’s presence in the documentary would damage its credibility. It was too early to say yes or no, as nothing has been proved in a court of law, one way or another (and we should remember that it still hasn’t). I don’t know whether they have kept Mol in the film, but if I was the documentary maker, I probably would have left him on the cutting room floor.

I met Mol a few times, and he was a convincing character. He seemed genuine. And what he talked about – the inadequate refugee services in Poland, the racism he and other Africans encountered, remains, despite the fact the Mol himself allegedly appears to have been charlatan, essentially true.

Mol has left many angry, disappointed, and sick people in his wake. What is also worrying is the damaged image of genuine African refugees in Poland. They have joined the long list of victims of the actions of Simon Mol, the man whose poetry seduced a nation.


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beatroot said...
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beatroot said...


You are also well aware that many communists conceal their identities except for those with very low IQ's.Unlike the souless Trotskyite, you will not go around praising Bill "30 bombings" Ayers or the Hitler- Stalin pact to divide Poland.

Don;t be dumb: what is a communist? Maybe you should look it up in a book.

Geez - No...having Beaks write about me is like being asked to appear on the Gilbert O'Sullivan Show, circa 1970.

luridtraversal said...

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I've been called a lot of things in my life, but a communist is the first. Thank you Beaktwat for enlightening me to my political beliefs. It's refreshing to be told exactly what I believe in so succinctly. And remind me where exactly I've called myself a Trotskyite please? Or where I've defended any communist leader of the past. Maybe my ether is kicking in and I don't know exactly what I say or believe. Good luck in your little world though. Better watch out for your Purity Of Essence and be careful of Communist Flouridation in the water, and the Mormon conspiracy and the left-wing, bleeding-heart hippies who've also apparently hijacked and taken over the entire U.S. of A. and the Universities. I hope you manage to protect yourself against the propaganda!!! Maybe we can revive Reagan and bring back your "glory years"...

Anyway, please don't respond anymore. This is my last. I'm done with you, especially as you sound like a broken record. You keep repeating the same nonsensical things over and over again. You're ignorant, and most importantly stupidly boring. Like a Bill O'Reilly reality show. I'm done. I eagerly await more comments telling me to
a) stay out of America
b) go to a communist country
c) look at my communist self in the mirror
d) any other stupid comment you'll make.

Happy Christmas and a good New Year. I thought I was a jaded and bitter man, but you sir take the cake.

Cheers and may God have mercy on your soul.

Frank Partisan said...

According to Beakrkin capitalist George Soros is a communist. In addition the National Organization of Women and Democrat who ran against Joe Lieberman Ned Lamont.

He accuses me of Stalinism. He never knew Stalin had a left opposition. Before visiting my blog he never heard of Trotsky.

Beakerkin will never give you a straight definition of a communist. Not giving straight answers is his way of showing disrespect.

He is worse than a troll. He tried to spam my blog. That means reprinting junk hundreds of times over and over. I have received emails from others he threatened.

beakerkin said...

Lurid you imbecile, I was talking about Beatroot's pal Renegade Eye who venerates the war criminal Trotsky. You are merely a mindless fellow traveler.

Lets see Beatroot's pal calls himself a Trotskyite, does he qualify? How are political freaks so exponentially
over represented in higher education?It would seem that it is a clear case of adverse impact or the Old Bolshevik network in action.

Actually, I have a favorable opinion of Mormons. They seem to live in peace, respect private property and not inflict class genocide to create their Utopia's.

However, as you accused me of racism and nazi tendencies your cries of indignation are amusing. It seems you can dish it out better
than you can take it.


You are a fellow traveler. You will not lie about Communist crimes of the past. However, you seem to think every new brand x variant should be given a chance to make people's lives miserable.

Tell me how Chavez reminds you of Peron when he openly venerates Castro. Is it that both Peron and Chavez suffer from delusions of god hood or is it the anti- semitism.

Tell us how Trotskyism is exempt from the historical record of Communism. Tell Poles how they should react to lunatics who venerate war criminals. My grandfather proudly fought for Poland against Bolshevik invaders led by the insane Trotsky.

You are still in the each new Communism will correct the mistakes of the past bit like Ren. Unlike Ren you will not lie about historical facts of veer into genocide denial. The above it all knowing bit is a rather thin disguise for fellow travelerism.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was a jaded and bitter man, but you sir take the cake.

<>< <>< <><

See, even Beakerdin serves a good purpose.

beatroot said...

Her mother has gone home. Time to open the bubbly! Cheers. Even Beakomatic!

beakerkin said...


You are an imbecile.


You describe yourself as a Communist and are guilty of the crimes of communism. Any claim on your part that Trotsky was immune from the crimes that followed after he lost power is conjecture. No doubt some lunatic is probably claiming that they are Roehm Nazis with nothing whatsoever to do with the Holocaust.

The mindless brain impaired souless
hack proclaims I had never heard of Trotsky before visiting his site. This is quite amusing to a person whose granfather was a Polish cavalryman in 1920 and fought Bolshevik war criminal invaders led by guess whom.

George Soros's record is quite clear. The record of the founder of NOW is also clear she was a kept woman and a Stalinist. Ren clings to the myth that groups founded and led by Commies have nothing to go with spreading class genocide and subversion. The rest of us call them front groups.

You were asked to stop John Brown from spamming and threatening people's children. You laughed and thought that threats to molest children are funny. However, Brown did stop when the point was made clear. Ren's blog was never spammed by me.

He caters to John Brown/LWB an actual neo Nazi who has harassed with Ren's blessing an entire blog community. The comments on Ren's site are identical to those found on Stormfront or Der Sturmer.

I want to point out how a semi-coherent blog owner deals with
racist garbage. Beatroot made his own opinions clear and moved on. Any hint that he agreed with the racist comments would be absurd given his loud protests. Contrast this with a site that features with regularity the word AskeNAZI, comments about zionist cabals to invade Iraq, zionist cabals to blow up the WTC and regular Jew baiting.
It is quite apparent that the silence of the blog owner is implied consent.

Merry Christmas Beatroot.

Don't take the slings and arrows to
heart. Unlike Ren, you have a soul and may find your way out of the mindless left.

I want to again point out my basic problem with your position on this thread was the denial of the public
safety issue. As I have stated one can disagree respectfully on this one. However, to blatantly ignore the public safety concerns is just wrong.

Frank Partisan said...

Again Beakerkin loses. He didn't win over one person.

beakerkin said...


Who says I am trying to convert anyone? Do note how quickly lurid ran from being described as a Trotskyite.I was describing your disgusting views. Beatroot also runs from being described as a commie.Even fellow travelers do not like the views you espouse. It would seem that the people of Poland view Trotsky as a war criminal and his followers as certified morons.

You should be placed under 24/7 scrutiny by the US government under
the grounds of probable cause. As a
communist, you are exponentially more prone to terrorism and have justified criminality in your writings. When you violate the laws
of sedition or treason you should be stripped of US citizenship and deposited in North Korea. Let Kim Jong "Mentally Ill" deal with your stupidity.

FYI The most active spying and espionage group in the USA is still
commies like Ana Montes spying for Cuba. She should have been executed
for her crimes.

Anonymous said...

Renegade Eye said...
Again Beakerkin loses. He didn't win over one person.

I'm not sure about that. Before I read this thread a thought Beaky was a bit of a twat. Now I see that he is a complete and utter arsehole. Seeing how he clearly dedicates his life to making people hate & pity him, I'd say that he's won another round here.

beakerkin said...


You are also an imbecile.

Unlike you mindless morons I give no quarter to Commies, fellow travelers,
Nazis, racial power nuts and anarchist clowns.

I have yet to figure out if you are a fellow traveler or just an imbecile of extraordinary ability. Lurid is both, and that is a genuine feat.

Anonymous said...

Mol was a poet and writer (though not a particularly good one)...

...Simon Mol, the man whose poetry seduced a nation.

Your nation was seduced by some charlatan. And you guys pretend to be an independent modern european nation and blah-blah-blah? But still, some jerk cheated you like peasants. Yeah, peasants, thats whom you will always remain.

Anonymous said...

This is what American Conservatives think of Rudolf Guiliani, who Beakerkin supports for President (see cover and accompanying story):

Anonymous said...

THIS MAKES ME SICK! Good to know he won't have it easy in polish jail and I hope he won't make it out alive! But on the other hand a few leftist

Interrace mixing is wrong and disgusting. Preserving our race is of mutual interest, as we developed into a race which is most suited to inhabitate the latitudes it has inhabitated for centuries. Blacks can stand more sun but can't build enough Vitamin D in the winters. They are better suited to live in the savanahe and fly a lion than in Poland and making the run from angry white nationalists on a slithery frozen ground. They also have thicker headbones, so they lack brainmass and are uglier, but one must h.... I mean but they don't die when they fall of the trees they look for cover in


Rebelyell said...

Mole's grave; there's one place in Poland I won't complain having to pay to piss at (on in this case).

Anonymous said...

This type of negro is very common, they prey on White guilt (Is the reason you won't go on a date with because i'm blak?), they prey on desperate lonely White women, using them for money, housing, credit, cars etc. and leaving them broke, addicted to drugs, bad credit, no car, homeless, and often with unwanted children and criminal records. Men must be sure of the sexual history of potential mates,and any hint of involvement with a negro is a dealbreaker. Hyper-liberals, blind idealists, and those afflicted with white guilt/naivety are all suspect, with overweight/ugly women the most likely victims of negro "charm"

Anonymous said...

"Anti-racism" is a code word for "anti-White." Notice that no one is saying non-White countries have to be flooded by foreigners.

Anonymous said...

I'm a white male who's always done his very best not to be racist. The lesson that I've taken from this story, many other stories, and many incidents in my own life, is that it's ok to be racist against blacks because they are racist against us.

Unknown said...

How many times have you heard it before? Burn the coal and pay the toll. This is what these stupid liberal whores get for sleeping with a groid.
Reporters got a hold of his mother in Africa and whose fault that she say it was? The white man's! Negroes should all be castrated then have their cocks chopped off and fed to them after all they are cannibals aren't they?

Unknown said...

Yes the world is turning into different place this was never what anyone expect or pray for been HIV positive was never any wish, why do some people uses this mean in extracting money from other people. I was a victim of a doctor by name OGBODO, who uses the mean of curing different disease to extract money from people. After that I never give up all through they said that no cure for HIV/AIDS that the virus destroys the cell system. I went ahead searching in different way, I can across someone saying about doctor TAIYE have cured him from this virus that he lives in Africa, I checked he was on phone call but I diverted my attention from it because the same doctor OGBODO was from Africa too. But my heart keep bothering me I decided to confront him to my surprise all the test result shows negative that nothing has ever happened to his system, I was really short of words afraid for not to be fooled again but I encouraged myself and contact him at he responded and asked me to send my details just as the first OGBODO did I started doubting him, but I tell myself that I will not allow my past to destroy my future, I started focus. he get the cure prepared and tag with instructions to use for 14 days because it has stayed go in my system, I used the cure for 7 days my health was fit but my excreta was just as blood although. immediately I contacted the doctor he said I have nothing to worry about that it going to last for the rest 7 days although I was in pain but after the 14th day I went straight to my doctor and I was tested HIV negative, doctor Felix is still in shock now, he is now referring people to doctor TAIYE. Am free from this virus all because of my faith and heart consolation I never waited for anyone to advice me but my heart and me. I don’t know what you have been through but believe me nothing last forever. Doctor TAIYE is waiting for you today just to make that decision from this hard time. Contact him via email . Just because something or someone have failed you before don’t mean everyone is going fail you all time have a think of mind ‘’is there a problem without a solution?’’ Am NELLY LUCIA from Orlando and I was diagnose 2008 cured by doctor TAIYE 2019 contact me via mailing or for any question

AIB FUNDING. said...

Great Dr. imoloa herbal medicine is the perfect cure for the HIV virus, I was diagnosed of HIV for 8 years, and every day I always looking for research to find the perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease because I always know that what we need because our health is on earth . So, on my internet search I saw several testimonies about how Dr. imoloa can cure HIV with powerful herbal medicines. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him for herbal medicines that I received via DHL courier service. And he guided me how. I asked him for a solution to take herbal medicine for two weeks. And then he instructed me to go check what I was doing. Look at me (HIV NEGATIVE). Thank God for Dr. Imoloa for using a powerful herbal remedy to cure me. he also has a cure for diseases such as Parkison's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy, anxiety disorders, autoimmune diseases, back pain, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease , chronic respiratory diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma, autoimmune mediated arthritis. Chronic kidney disease, arthritis, back pain, impotence, feta alcohol spectrum, Dysthymic Disorders, Eczema, skin cancer, tuberculosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, bone cancer, lung cancer, mouth sores, oral cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, Addison's disease, Chronic Disease, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fungal Nail Disease, Paralysis, Celia Disease , Lymphoma, Major Depression, Malignant Melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease email- / or {whatssapp .....+2347081986098}

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