Tuesday, May 02, 2006

There's more Poles in Britain than Warsaw?

That’s the misleading headline (minus the question mark) in the curtain twitching, right wing conservative Daily Mail (UK). One skinhead fascist forum gets excited.

The political backlash against all the Poles in Britain is not that far off, perhaps. The Daily Mail (which, historically, has a slightly hysterical view of immigration) reported last week:

‘Two million Poles have arrived in Britain since EU borders were thrown open to eight east European countries in 2004.The influx - greater than the population of Warsaw - raises serious doubts over Government assurances about the impact of European Union expansion.’

But hang on. I thought that about 300,000 Poles, Czechs, Latvians etc had turned up for work in the UK? The newspaper reveals all:

‘The figure, from the Office for National Statistics, records the number who have travelled to the UK, not the number who have stayed.’

Aha! But many of the Mail’s readers wouldn’t have read that far. They now are sure they are being flooded by Polish plumbers (who are obviously not doing their job well enough...think about it...).

One skinhead forum immediately leapt into life, boots polished and gleaming. The comments range from the grammatically challenged::

There's more Poles in Britain than in Warsaw, even if half of them weren't jews, that's still too many…

…to a fascinating discussion on Hitler’s attitude to Poles:

‘Hitler's resentment towards the Poles , Russians and other Slavs was the fact that many of these people were not Aryan , but a mixture of Asian . If you check your history most of Russia and the areas that are now Poland and Hungary were once under Mongolian rule this was during the 13th century , with the mass rape that took place during these invasions you'll have the racial mix that you will see in those countries today . Look at your average Slav many have Asian features , slanted eyes high cheek bones .’

One charmer is obviously none too happy about Polish immigration:

Get your head from up your arse and do some research.You will find that Poles are coming over,getting cheap labour for a few weeks then disappearing to other parts of the UK.You will also find that most of the cunts that do this are illegals and are on the run from Poland for various crimes including,rape,people smuggling and kiddy fiddling.I for one don't like the idea of not knowing how many of these bastards there are or where they are but I tell you one thing,I would serve life for any bastard that messes with my kids.If they got nothing to hide then why run?

I wonder if he reads the Daily Mail? Maybe he should write for them.

Close to 40 per cent of Poles consider working in other EU states, M and C, May 2


Chris Borowski said...

Yeah, looks like British media has has been obessing about this for a while, with the Evening Standard also running a piece a week ago (http://tinyurl.com/gtlog). And even if some assholes with shaved heads are not too pleased, it's still quite a high jump in the number of our fellow countrymen heading to the Isles. Good for them and good for Britain. They need us, and we need the jobs.

sonia said...

It's quite amusing to see a racist Brit skinhead obsessing about high Slavic cheekbones and trying to find Asian features in Poles, while millions of real Asians (from Pakistan, India, etc.) live right next door to him. A very confused racist....

beatroot said...

Sonia - if you follow the links to that forum you will see some pretty revolting stuff about every nationality and ethnic group on earth. I feel like I have to take a bath everytime I read that kind of crap.

Chris - indeed. the point I was making, though, is that headlines such as those in the Mail are incredibly irrisponcible...many readers don't bother with all the article...so why put such a misleading head such as that on top of a story?

And there is a growing anti-Polish feeling taking hold in the UK...something that is not being reported in Poland.

sonia said...


there is a growing anti-Polish feeling taking hold in the UK

Well, if it will take some pressure off Pakistanis, so much the better. Bigotry can often only be fought with bigotry, like in Miami or L.A., where relations between blacks and whites are a bit better than in the rest of United States, because they both hate the Latinos...

beatroot said...

But who will Poles have left to hate? Welsh people?

michael farris said...

"But who will Poles have left to hate?"

Themselves? That generally seems to be the most popular target.

Anonymous said...

When I was in London two months ago, the Brits had a lot of good to say about Polish workers- espcially that they actually were hard workers compared to other immigrant groups.

beatroot said...

"compared to other groups"...they were being polite, DBN. Most, first generation immigrant groups are seen as hard working. And Brits don't really distinguish between a Pole and a Latvian or a Serb. There is some confusion about asylum seekers as well.

But there is a constant background noise of grumbling about east European migration...and it will get worse. Especially when the UK economy slows....

but it is not yet a party political issue.

Anonymous said...

if everyone was to go back to where they belong instead of taking the piss out of england then they wouldnt be resented so much

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

The Poles should be hated for hard work, admiration of Britons and yes, they should be despised for not planting bombs or violently demonstrating against something like cartoons.

Poles go home!!! You are not South Asian enough!

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Anonymous said...

Wale was na ryj angole jebane.
Nauczcie sie historii debilne angole za czym coś napiszecie

Anonymous said...

Troll above is an extremally vulgar one (and as it seems he is unable to write coherent sentence, even in Polish), it would have been nice if you cut off his comments.

Anonymous said...

I am a South-African being married to a English girl. Dit you all no that neither my little boy that was born in this country or my wife how is english can claim any kind of benefit or child benefit, because she is married to me!!! I am not racist but I dont understand how a european from a nother country can claim benefits and my wife or boy is not entitled to any!! I am aware that it is not thier fault and we should all know that it is the goverment that make these laws. So if any want to get married to some one out side of the eu allways remember this. We dont need or want it but it is the prinsepal. And all these comments about every should go back were they come from please. there is over a million enlish poeple living in south africa, nearly 3 mil between austrailia and New Zealand. Poeple now a days move were they want be but I do beliefe that this eu is wrong and there should be some more Imegration rulles on european Imegrants. I can see why english poeple get pissed off, fareplay to all off you!!!!!!!! There was alway Imegration but it never was an issue, I love fishing and you all might be aware of poles killing the carp well, I got an acsent and alway get nasty coments! My wife want to live in her country and I will stan by her as i love her and my baby boy!!! I have never made a comment to anny eglish migrant in my country so feel that poeple should point thier fingers at all migrants!!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical or not, something has to be done about the Polish immigrants, they're dangerous people and scare a lot of the indigenous population of the United Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

What shall we do with 2 million drunken british in Spain???

Anonymous said...

arrogant, cunts, fuck off home, the brits do not want you or your pathetic supporters, brits outside of the uk have to have money and skills not a willingness to suck cock. FUCK OFF, DO YOU NOW HOW MUCH MONEY AND WHAT REAL SKILLS ARE REQUIRED TO GET OUT OF THIS FUCKED UP COUNTRY. WE NEED POLES AND THE REST OF THE PARASITICAL SHIT, OF COURSE WE DO, JUST WATCH WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE LONDON OLYMPICS.

Anonymous said...

Too many f***in polskis here, taking up jobs that our british youth can not gets there hands on , And come here for free child benefit and nhs , what has this goverment done to us , all polskis , latvians , and romanians are having a ball on our queens land and abusing our systems . if you feel the same say no to poles ,sned the fuc**kers back home

Anonymous said...

Too many f***in polskis here, taking up jobs that our british youth can not gets there hands on , And come here for free child benefit and nhs , what has this goverment done to us , all polskis , latvians , and romanians are having a ball on our queens land and abusing our systems . if you feel the same say no to poles ,sned the fuc**kers back home

Anonymous said...

I agree that there is far to many eastern blockers in the UK if the government had some balls they would send them all home and make the UK unemployed take up the jobs left behind, irrespective of anyone's disability (within reason) all could be employed instead of sitting at home watching tv being paid benifits for nothing, but it won't happen as the government favours the eastern blockers to the British average joe

Anonymous said...

Vote UKIP in 2015 kick the fuckers out of the UK!

Grant W said...

My comment is this - and take from it what you will. I'm not a racist as per se but things I see in the media and comments I hear do tend to have influence - rightly or wrongly so. I feel that most brits don't "HATE" Polish, Slovaks, Pakistani or any other race - It's more the fact that those with long term family roots in the UK and those who are essentially native to this country are sick of our government allowing other countries to freely come over to the UK and take the piss out of us and our beliefs. If we were all forced to stay in our country of native origin and not move about other than to have a holiday each year would I be bothered? No, not really. So long as everybody did the same. There is no such thing as a free roaming world as such - it is a natural thing for humans to question those who they deem to be "foreign" and to feel threatened when "foreign" peoples try and enforce their way of life into a country from which it did not originate. Of course this is all irrelevent really as the world itself has so many people in countries that are not native to themselves that we can never go back to the days of old. The only thing we can do is hope that our government toughens up and makes immigration much harder or even shuts the gates completely and lets our country get back on its feet instead of being bled dry. As for religion..........don't even go there. They say money is the root of all evil - I would say religion has some pretty big say in it too.

AnthonyUK said...

Hooray! Article 50 gets kicked into life Wednesday and triggered into motion. I hope the Poles and other Eastern Europeans lose out and abandon the UK back to their own country : several Polish businesses have abandoned my hometown unsure of their futures of whether they can stay or not (and I hope more follow them back to their scumholes as well).

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