Thursday, November 13, 2008

Going here

Will drop you a line...


luridtraversal said...

Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

lucky you!

roman said...

Is it still the "holy" land or have the progressives made that term politically incorrect?

Anonymous said...

The US gives Israel 2.5 Billion US dollars in military and economic aid per year. Without American aid is Israel’s existence even possible? Does the American public support this or is the Jewish lobby (Zionist) that effective? Is the American public confused as to why the Arabs hate America so much?

Anonymous said...

From an American news article:

"Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law," Rev. Jay Scott Newman wrote in a letter to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville.

"Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation."

According to the Catholic Church voting for Obama now requires an act of penance in order to get back in God's good books. Can anyone suggest a suitable penance in order to prevent the misguided from say “burning in hell”.

Anonymous said...

That's what one dickhead priest said in South Carolina. He should have slipped on a rubber before he issued that statement.

Anonymous said...

Oh-oh! Just came across this one. Seems before long, Catholics won't be able to vote Republican without going to hell...

"Catholic" dissident to run for Chairman of Republican Party

Former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele, a "Catholic" who believes that a person can call himself pro-life and yet support a pro-choice candidate has declared his candidacy to lead the National Republican Party.

Oh and he's African American.

Anonymous said...

During the Middle Ages you could just buy your way out trouble with the Church/God, I believe they called it purchasing an indulgence. I can just see it now; the Vatican could introduce this concept to improve cash flow.

Does anyone know what kind of penance this guy had in mind for his parishioners? There’s also the tricky question of do you demand more from the baby killer liberal leftist versus say your socially irresponsible right wing baby killers?

Showing up on Saturday to confess was always a nuisance besides no matter what I did I always got the same penalty a few “our fathers” and a few “hail Mary’s”. I even tried to escalate my transgression just to see if the punishment got bigger but no it never changed. I guess axe murdering the Sunday school class would have been my next option to generate a serious escalation.

Anonymous said...

Father Dickhead just went and got himself repudiated by his immediate boss who pronounced his letter contrary to the teachings of the Church:

beatroot said...


Anonymous said...

I hope the idea to buy research paper is your own, it is awesome