Yes, in the suddenly dull world of Polish politics – how we miss the freak circus of the previous government – and under the deathly dull rule of Civic Platform...and Waldomar Pawlak, kook Euro deputy Maciej Giertych can always be relied upon to come out with statements and articles that never fail to amuse. Bless.
Giertych - father of ex-education minister in the previous, laugh a minute coalition government, Roman – has never been shy in getting involved in the great topics of the day. This guy is not just any old member of the European parliament – nope, Maciej is an intellectual colossus; philosopher,
We have been privy to the delight of learning his views on evolution. We have learned of his great insights into relations and hierarchy of cultures. And some tittered. Others laughed so much they burst several blood vessels and caused a queue at the accident and emergency department.
Well, he has opened 2008 with a volley of criticism aimed at that great scourge of the 21st century....feminism and, you know, ‘women’s equality’ [?] - yes, I know that was all a bit 1970s, but not to our Maciej, who last must have left the house sometime during the 1930s – that shines with intellectual daring, brilliance and verve.
So what deep insight has Giertych into the nature of men and women and all that stuff?
According to his article in Wprost magazine, he sees women as ‘more delicate, more vulnerable, physically weaker’. Domestic life takes priority over work for the fairer sex, thinks Giertych.
And men? They constantly seek approval; they over use physical strength as a means of settling disputes. But not all is lost for men. They can take ‘sharp criticism better than women,’ thinks Giertych, with deep insight.
He writes that the roles men and women perform in society should be returned to their natural state.
“Men interfering in women’s role is harmful. This is proven when men are changing nappies, cooking, doing the dishes, or looking after sick people, etc...Apparently, all of us have the same skill,” Giertych cooed sarcastically.
The fundamentalist Catholic Giertych is not too keen on the contraceptive pill. But he doesn’t just believe that the pill is bad for women. It affects men too!
“Hormonal contraceptives do not only stop the fertility of women who take them, but everybody! Released in urine, and down into the local sewerage system and the unfiltered returns into our tap water.”
Giertych fearlessly fights scary feminists
Giertych thinks that Charles Darwin’s ideas of evolution – his favourite topic - put the notion in some women’s heads that they should not accept their second class status. Evolution means things can change. Equality is possible, think deluded feminists. But Giertych, in his article in Wprost, warns what awaits these gender warriors.
Feminists, at the end of life, when in the old people’s home, their friends dead and with no children, their feminism suddenly disappears.
Giertych is just a bit of a tit. And even he probably thinks he is growing some, what with all those hormones in the water...